Velociraptor Registry Hunter

The Velociraptor Registry Hunter Project #

This repository contains Registry Hunting targets to quickly hunt through the Windows registry.

To read more about this project, see

As DFIR practitioners, the Windows registry is a treasure trove of information. The Windows registry stores information about system configuration and therefore we can use it to understand what software was installed, how it was configured and hunt for misconfiguration or deliberate compromises to achieve attacker persistence.

There are many tools out there to extract forensically relevant information from the registry. However, the problem is challenging:

  1. The registry contains thousands of keys and values. While it is possible to manually examine relevant keys and values this is extremely time consuming and error prone.

  2. Some of the values are encoded in non-obvious ways. For example, it is common for registry values to store times encoded as Unix epoch integers, Windows File Time integers or even encoded into binary encoded blobs. Since the registry is really intended for machine consumption it is not always easy to parse human readable information out of the values.

  3. Often relevant information is spread across a number of keys and values. For a human examiner to make sense of the information, the information needs to be collected into a single entity.

  4. Registry information does not have contextually significant explanation about what the values actually mean, and how significant they are in an investigation. Although this is left to the experience of the examiner, it is useful to attach some comments or description to the analysis.

Velociraptor Artifacts #

Velociraptor has been used to extract values from the windows registry for a long time. In Velociraptor the registry is accessible via the registry accessor (to access the registry via the APIs) and the raw_reg accessor to parse raw registry hives. See The Registry Accessor to read more about how Velociraptor accesses the registry.

This allows Velociraptor to use simple glob() expressions to find keys and values in the registry. For example in the Windows.Registry.Sysinternals.EulaCheck artifact we can search for evidence of running Sysinternals tools. The following is a simplified query:

SELECT OSPath[-2] as ProgramName,
    lookupSID(sid=OSPath[1]) AS Username,
    OSPath.Dirname as Key,
    Mtime AS TimeAccepted,
    Data.value  AS EulaAccepted
FROM glob(globs='''HKEY_USERS\*\Software\Sysinternals\*\EulaAccepted''',

This artifact works pretty well:

  1. The artifact zeros in on the relevant values in the registry without user intervention - the investigator does not have to know or care where the relevant Sysinternal Eula values are.
  2. The artifact decodes the values to interpret the user action (did the user accept the EULA?) and also maps the SID back to a username.
  3. The artifact contains sufficient human description to elicit action - what does it mean if a user accepted the EULA? Is this fact relevant to the investigation?

While very effective, over time the number of registry artifacts in Velociraptor has grown. From the point of view of the investigator it is becoming more difficult to use:

  • We need to remember many smaller artifacts that target the registry to collect.
  • We need to consider the output separately for each artifact.

Some problems with the above approach #

You will notice that the above artifact searches the NTUSERS hive. This hive contains each user’s ntuser.dat file which is mounted when the user logs in.

While the artifact works very well for currently logged users, it will be unable to see any users who are currently not logged into the system! This can cause a lot of evidence to be missed.

The problem here is that the registry is composed of different hives and some hives may be mounted at different times. However, when we analyze the registry we often want to access all hives!

When we use the API to access the registry, we could be missing hives that are not currently mounted. Conversely when we use raw registry parsing to only look at hive files we will be missing volatile keys that are not always written to the hives.

In the specific case of Windows.Registry.Sysinternals.EulaCheck the artifact also offers an alternate analysis method which looks at the ntuser.dat files themselves. However this has to be added specifically for each artifact.

What do other tools do? #

Investigator focused tools typically attempt to analyze the whole registry. For example, regripper or RECmd/Registry Explorer present a GUI to the registry and simply tag keys and values based on their significance. This is very convenient for the investigator, as they only need to run the analysis once then examine the output manually.

While this is effective for analyzing a small number of machines, it can not be easily scaled to large hunts on thousands of machines where we need a more machine readable output.

The RECmd Batch project is an interesting idea forward. It started off as an automated Batch File to drive RECmd/Registry Explorer analysis by only collecting relevant keys/value and tagging these with category and description labels.

Here is an example RECmd Batch rule corresponding to the above artifact:

        Description: Sysinternals
        HiveType: NTUSER
        Category: Installed Software
        KeyPath: SOFTWARE\Sysinternals\*
        ValueName: EulaAccepted
        Recursive: false
        Comment: |
           Displays all SysInternals Tools that had the EULA accepted,
           indicating either execution of the tool or the Registry values
           were added intentionally prior to execution

This rule attaches a description and category to the EulaAccepted value and also includes how to find it. There is also a useful comment to drive the investigator towards assessing the importance of these findings.

The RECmd Batch format also has some basic registry interpretation built in (such as FILETIME to interpret timestamps), but more complex interpretation is deferred to Registry Plugins which are C# programs specifically designed to interpret more complex keys or values. The use of C# makes writing registry plugins less accessible and more complex.

So what do we actually want? #

We wanted to have a single artifact that hunts the entire registry quickly and efficiently:

  1. Combining all the specific registry based artifacts into a single one so investigators don’t have to remember all the different artifacts - a single shot collection should be all that is needed to cover all registry based evidence.
  2. All relevant information should be grouped by Category and Description. The artifact should make it easy to zero in on specific categories depending on the investigator’s needs.
  3. Ideally group together related key/values for quick analysis - this is needed to remove the cognitive load on the investigator in reviewing thousands of related values.
  4. The artifact should be collected in different contexts:
    • On a live system using the registry API.
    • Offline on a collection of Registry Hive Files
    • Automatically take care of subtleties such as NTUser.dat mounts (as described about).

This is what the registry hunter is all about!

The Registry Hunter #

The Registry Hunter project is maintained at and contains a compiler that combines a set of Rules into a final artifact. This allows users to contribute specific rules targeting specific keys and value in the registry.

Remapping the registry hives #

To make it easier to write Registry Hunter rules and also to make it easier to apply those rules in different situations, we want to present a unified view of the registry to rule authors. The rule authors should not need to care about if a registry hive is mounted or available.

In recent versions, Velociraptor implements a powerful mechanism to remap accessors within the name space. You can read about Remapping Accessors to understand how this is done.

The Registry Hunter artifact will map the relevant hives into the registry accessor namespace using a number of different strategies.

The below diagram illustrates how the remapping works with the Raw Hives strategy. In this configuration, the registry accessor is remapped to using all the raw registry hives and does not use the API at all.

Remapping the registry accessor

The rules, however, don’t really need to know about this - they just assume they can access the whole registry using the registry accessor. For example, when a rule accesses the key HKEY_USERS\Administrator\Software, the key will be automatically parsed from the Software hive at C:\Users\Administrator\NTUSER.dat

Depending on the remapping strategy some hives will be directly accessible with the API, or remapped from raw registry hives:

  • API: This strategy uses the API for most hives, except the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security hive which is normally blocked with the API. Additionally, the SAM is mounted under /SAM and Amcache under /Amcache since these are not usually accessible via the API.
    • This strategy will not be able to see users who are not logged in, as it does not map the ntuser.dat.
    • Using the API is a bit faster than parsing the raw reg hives so this is recommended for frequent parsing or where performance is important.
  • API And NTUser.dat: This strategy uses the API as above, except it also maps all the user’s ntuser.dat files under the /HKEY_USERS key.
  • Raw Hives: This strategy does not use the API, and instead maps all raw hives into the same registry accessor namespace.

The default remapping strategy is API And NTUser.dat which is suitable for direct remote collections. If you are collecting this artifact on a dead-disk mount you will need to use the Raw Hives strategy to direct all registry API calls to raw registry parsing.

Importing the latest version of the Registry Hunter artifact #

To use the artifact you will need to import it into the server by collecting the Server.Import.RegistryHunter server artifact. This ensures you have the latest version.

Collecting the artifact #

When collecting the artifact from a remote system, you will be able to select which rule categories to collect - by default all rules are collected. The default remapping strategy is also selected here.

Hunting the registry

The Rule format #

Rules are specified as simple YAML clauses in a rule file. Here is the rule that specifies the SysInternals EULA detection.

- Author: Andrew Rathbun
  Description: Sysinternals
  Category: Installed Software
  Comment: Displays all SysInternals Tools that had the EULA accepted, indicating
    either execution of the tool or the Registry values were added intentionally prior
    to execution
  Glob: '*\SOFTWARE\Sysinternals\*\EulaAccepted'
  Filter: NOT IsDir
  Details: |
    x=>dict(Program=x.OSPath[-2], FirstRunTimestamp=x.Mtime)    

The search glob is split into a glob part and a Root part. The Root refers to the place within the registry namespace where the hive is mapped (more on this below).

The registry hunter will compile this rule into a similar query to

    SELECT Rule.Description AS Description,
           Rule.Category AS Category,
           OSPath, Mtime,
           eval(func=Metadata.Details) AS Details
    FROM glob(globs=Rule.Glob, root=Rule.Root, accessor="registry")
    WHERE eval(func=Rule.Filter)

This rule will search the provided glob expression on the provided root directory looking for values (the filter x=>NOT IsDir captures values and rejects keys).

Matching values will cause the Details function to be evaluated. The Details field contains a VQL lambda function that will be evaluated on the found keys or values. The following values will be available:

  • x.OSPath contains the OSPath of the matching registry key or value
  • x.Mtime contains the Modification time of the key

The above example returns a dictionary documenting the program and the modification time.

Sysinternals hunt output

A more complex rule is the following which assembles the Most Recently Used values in the Run Box:

- Author: Andrew Rathbun
  Description: "RunMRU: Tracks commands from the Run box in the Start menu"
  Category: Program Execution
  Glob: '*\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RunMRU'
  Filter: x=>IsDir
  - |
    LET CalculateMRU(OSPath) = SELECT GetValue(OSPath=OSPath + g1) AS value
        FROM parse_records_with_regex(accessor="data",
        file=GetValue(OSPath=OSPath + "MRUList"), regex="(.)")    

  - |
    LET FetchKeyValues(OSPath) = to_dict(item={
      SELECT Name AS _key, Data.value AS _value
      FROM glob(globs="*", accessor="registry", root=OSPath)

  Details: |

Calculating the MRU order

The similar RECmd Batch rule actually relies on custom C# code to reassemble the MRU lists. This is problematic in practice because we would need to rebuild and redeploy compiled code to the endpoint. Instead it is much more efficient to implement the reassembly algorithm in VQL and include it directly in this rule.

The Registry Hunter does rely on specialized processing or specific registry plugins and simply implements all the complex parsing directly in VQL - allowing us to upgrade the parsers on demand without needing to recompile any code.

Notice how the Details lambda rule is able to reference helper functions defined in the Preamble section. This allows us to create reusable VQL functions that can be used from many rules.

You can see many helpful VQL functions defined in the preamble of the common rule sets.

Presenting the results of the analysis #

The Registry Hunter is designed to be a one shot, collect everything type of artifact. This allows investigators to simply use it in all cases and just view relevant results depending on their needs.

To facilitate this use, the artifact creates a custom notebook breaking the results by category. The user can then begin examining the hits for each category that is relevant to the case.

Initial notebook

For example, suppose I was interested in anything that was related to PsExec, I would write a notebook query of the form:

SELECT Description, Category, OSPath AS Key, Mtime, Details FROM source()
WHERE Details =~ "psexec"

Isolating all psexec information

This query will show all information that is vaguely related to PsExec, we see a number of corroborating evidence from the different Rules:

  1. Userassist, AppCompatCache and Sysinternals rule all match
  2. We can see when the program was initially installed, last used and other interesting information.
  3. Note that here we collect multiple related results from multiple categories.

Current Categories #

The following are the current categories used. When adding new rules, please try to stick to these categories. In future this list may evolve and consolidate:

  • Antivirus
  • Autoruns
  • Cloud Storage
  • Devices
  • Event Logs
  • Executables
  • Installed Software
  • Microsoft Exchange
  • Microsoft Office
  • Network Shares
  • Program Execution
  • Services
  • System Info
  • Third Party Applications
  • Threat Hunting
  • User Accounts
  • User Activity
  • Volume Shadow Copies
  • Web Browsers

Conclusions #

The Registry Hunter is an unified artifact that compiles separate rules hunting in the registry into a single, easy to collect and very fast artifact. Long term we aim to consolidate all the discrete registry based artifacts into this one artifact.

We would really love to hear feedback or see contributions to the Registry Hunter through our GitHub repository and issue board. But you can start using it right now if you would love to test it.

The Registry Hunter uses newer VQL features available since release 0.72 and so will only work on clients newer than that version.